Entitlements: Borrowing limits are as under
S. No. | Category | No. of Documents |
1. | Group IV | |
2. | Group III | |
3. | Group II | |
4. | PA/ RA/ JRF/ SRF/ Research Fellow | |
5. | Common Cadre Staff | |
6. | Ground Staff / Peons/ Helpers etc |
Circulation Guidelines:
- General Books and Bound Volumes are for Circulation.
- Rare Books, Loose Issues of Journals, Reference Sources and Serial publications are meant for reference within Library Building and will not be issued.
- Latest issues of periodicals will not be issued.
- In the first instance, for all categories of users, documents will be issued for a period of 30 days. It may be re-issued for another 30 days unless reserved by another user.
- For overdue document, a fine of Re.1.00 /- per day per document will be charged.
- Before leaving the circulation counter, the user shall satisfy as to whether the document issued to him/her is in sound condition. If not, the same may be brought to the notice of Library Staff otherwise the reader will be held responsible for the condition of the document.
- Any marking or writing inside the documents by the reader is strictly prohibited.
- Loss of documents, issued in the name of a user, shall be the responsibility of the user and the matter shall be reported immediately to Library Staff.