General Rules
1. The Library remains open from 09.00 AM to 05.30 PM on all working days (Monday to Friday).
2. A reader, using the Library shall enter his/her name eligible in the register kept at Circulation Counter.
3. Personal belonging like-Bag, Books, files, etc. shall be kept on the Property Counter near the Reception desk in the Library.
4. Silence should be observed in the Library.
5. Eatable are not allowed within Library building.
6. Smoking, spitting and sleeping are strictly prohibited in the Library.
7. The readers shall be responsible for any damage or mutation done to the Library books or periodicals.
8. After consultation, the reader shall leave the documents on the table. The Library staff shall place these back on the shelves.
9. The users are expected to cooperate with the Library staff for availing best of services.